Creating Your Little World of Calm

Perhaps it’s just me but I’m pretty sure I’m not alone when I say that the modern world scares me. I don’t mean the state of modern popular music (I’ll never understand grime or that talky rap shite - maybe they’re the same thing?) Nor am I referring to the fact people keep paying attention to the Kardashians. These things irritate the crap out of me but they are little itches, little annoying tickles compared to the state of the world as a whole.

People continue having children, exposing another generation to this cess pit of an existence. There is a great chance that these individuals will have some insane challenges to face and no doubt fail. Climate change and very little urgency to deal with it, insane global politics that is so great we can merely despair and ask how things managed to get this way. The cost of living crisis. The majority of power and influence in the wrong hands. A bit of a downer I know :-))

Hear me out. This is where my mind goes when I have a bit of time free and especially when the weather is cold, wet and miserable as it is on this late November afternoon. My mind goes here when I take a step back, start to realise I’m stressing about something trivial and try to look at the bigger picture. I start to ask questions like ‘what’s the point in anything?’

It puts things in perspective but then has the ability to send me down a rabbit hole. Just like when something catches your eye on instagram and you realise that you’ve been looking at photos of a friend of a friend’s cousins wedding for the past 10 minutes.

It’s a scary world. It’s unjust. I worry for animal welfare (there are so many bad dog owners), I worry that I won’t be able to keep training clients 121 into old age as much as I’d like to. I worry that soon enough the country and the world will become a post apocalyptic desert. I worry that i’m not making the most of the time I have on this earth.

Having said this, I’m a true believer in not allowing yourself to be stressed by things that you can’t control. I’m also a firm believer in thinking about your day to day life and if it makes you happy. I have a wonderful job in a wonderful gym, I have a wonderful partner who genuinely cares about me, I have a wonderful little dog that totally makes my world. This is a small bubble but it’s my little world of calm. There are of course other people I care about massively and they will always have a place in my life but as long as I have my little world of calm, life is good. Who is in yours? Keep them close and treasure your time with them. Enjoy experiences you have because life is a journey. There are those that have the power to make the journey a positive one.


Training for Sanity


Drinking to Exist