Core Strength


Core Strength -

Lying Brace Core Stability

Before you start doing any sort of lifting, it’s so important that you learn how to BRACE effectively. Ab work is essential for strength but don’t think endless crunches, think more about static holds. Being able to engage these muscles to their full potential is so important, to protect your spine and to create stability throughout your entire body.

SUGGESTED REPS: 15 s holds for 5 each arm


Often performed wrong. It’s a great exercise if executed correctly! This is brilliant for helping with back complaints as it helps the individual utilise the glutes and abs properly. Often we use our lower back when lifting or performing static holds and that’s a mistake. You should never feel a lower back pump when shaking. In order to make sure you get this right, pull your elbows hard towards your hips and draw your toes up whilst squeezing your bum. Again, shaking is encouraged!


Bird Dog

Often poorly executed but a brilliant exercise! This is the proper way to do it. This exercise is fantastic for displaying how you can move your body around your spine when lifting - under heavy load it’s essential to engage muscles to support the spine without actually moving the spine itself. Start by just pushing your leg back before attempting both the leg and arm movement. Your glutes should be squeezing so hard it’s uncomfortable, if you’re doing it right your body will be shaking.

SUGGESTED REPS: 10 x 10s hold each side

Side Plank with DB Hold

The key with this exercise is ensuring the arms are aligned. Get a feel for how the shoulders are placed. Can you feel the various muscles engaging to hold the shape? If it’s a bit wobbly then you may be suffering from a lack of stability. Keep your glutes thoroughly squeezed throughout! This is a brilliant exercise for challenging small stabilising muscles and preventing lower back overuse and pain.

SUGGESTED REPS: 30s hold each side